It was a regular Friday when I went to office and started early back home along with Nagraj as he was going to Banglore. On the way back home in the train we were just discussing all kinds of stuff. Suddenly Nagraj gave me an idea and the whole chaos started.
4.05PM: Started from office.
4.30PM: I told Nagraj that about the call from dad saying that he is missing me. Nagraj asked why not I go to Hyderabad as it was weekend. Immediately my mind started thinking about possibilities to go.
4.35PM: Called Mahesh and Srinivas to check if there were any flights to Hyderabad or Banglore or Chennai that day. I was very much excited about me going to India.
4.45PM: Mahesh called and informed that seats were not available in Tiger Airways to Banglore and there are no flights to Chennai that day. Till 5PM he was on the call and suggested all possibilities but finally said it would be impossible to start that day.
As I did not have my room key I went to Nagrajs place.
5.45PM: Mahesh called and suggested one more plan to take Singapore Airlines one way to Hyderabad, then take a flight to Banglore on Monday and then come back in Jet Airways from Banglore. This whole trip would cost me about 1500+ dollars for which I was ready as I was very excited.
6PM: Nagraj dropped me at Terminal 2 and left for the Budget terminal. Mahesh was on the way to room to get me my passport. I went near the Singapore Airlines counter and asked if tickets were available. The lady said it would cost about 852 dollars for one way and half the flight was empty.
6.15PM: Nagraj called me and asked me to wait until he checks with Tiger if they have any tickets available. Mean while I started giving my details to the lady for the Singapore Airlines ticket.
6.20PM: Nagraj called and told me that the 2 way ticket to Banglore was available for just 540 dollars. I asked him to immediately book the ticket. I left the terminal 2 for budget terminal in the shuttle bus.
6.40PM: Mahesh came to airport along with my passport. At this point I was directly coming from office with just the passport and no hand or check in luggage.
7.30PM: We boarded the flight and flight took off at 8.15PM
10.55PM: We landed in Banglore. The landing itself was so crazy that he just jumped on to the runway which actually hurt the passengers inside including me.
11.25PM: Took a ticket for Hyderabad which was scheduled at 3.30AM.
3.00AM: Boarded the flight and at 3.30AM flight took off.
4.35AM: Landed in Hyderabad.
6.15AM: I was at home giving a surprise visit to mom and dad. Actually speaking even I was surprised about my sudden visit to Hyderabad. I hope this will not be repeated and I should have control on my mind regarding such decisions :P.