Phone rang Tring Tring ..
The screen showed my manager's name who never call me directly as things come through Nagaraj. I was just wondering what it could be and why he is calling me directly.
I picked up the phone and following was the conversation.
I: Hello
Mgr: Hi Sudheendra .. This is P******
I: Hi P****** .. Tell me
Mgr: This weekend we have a shut down at ORL building can you pls come and do a restart of the system and check the BO application if it is working fine on all the environments.
Now what else can I say when he asks me directly other than saying Yes. I always wanted to say no but then as its just checking the system for 30 mins so I said OK.
I: Ok P******, I shall do it thats ok ..
Mgr: Thanks, bye.

Today, I came to office at 3PM in the afternoon thinking that I will leave by 3.30PM.
But then now the time is 6PM and nothing is working till now. I guess I will have to wait for more 2 hours for doing this. There is nothing that I can do. I will just have to sit idle until the servers are up. Hope I will get a comp off for this which I can use when Swetha will be here.
Anyways atleast you guys have fun on a weekend rather than wasting time at office like this.
Well, the way I see it, you have got direct visibility with your manager, in this instance. Hope you called your manager directly and not your lead after completing the effort requested of you.
Actually I never call my manager nor really talk to him .. in 2 years I would have hardly spoken to him .. I have emailed him and have raised a request for the comp off :-)
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