I have been in Singapore with my friends for more than 1 and half year. Now came the time to move on as I got married. Yesterday I moved into the new house with mixed feelings. I don't think I will ever be able to enjoy that kind of bachelor life again. I have never been in a hostel or a room before coming to Singapore. I was not sure how I would be here away from home. My friends here have been of great support in every aspect right from partying to some important decisions in life. They even helped me in every aspect while shifting the house. I will miss all the fun we had during this time.
At the same time I am very much excited that I will start living with Swetha. This will be again a new experience for me as I am going to take the responsibility of Swetha. I am happy, excited and at the same time tensed with the situation as I am not sure how well I can manage things in life. I have always been dependant on family and friends for most of the things and now somebody else is a dependant on me. I am looking forward to take great care of Swetha as this new chapter in life begins.
Below are some of the pics of my new house that I have rented.
Ritual when going into a new house
Owner's display of Coke tins .. a valuable collection.
Master Bedroom. This is a corner apartment and no disturbance from other people. Outside you can see a large empty ground.
Hall. You can see Srini and Nagaraj in the picture.May god bless the couple :-)
How much are you paying ? The place looks nice and steady.
1500 SGD
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